Collective insight

Ki Te Pae Tawhiti – Aotearoa New Zealand’s Health Reform Collective – is a transdisciplinary community that monitors and analyses the implementation of health reforms in New Zealand and aims to inform and engage the public in dialogue about how the changes will impact them and their communities.

Legislation cracking down youth vaping imminent – Costello

From Radio New Zealand Audio  Published 18:07 18/07/2024   Professor Chris Bullen says the move flies in the face of expert advice and evidence of effectiveness. Minister Costello said the move is a trial as part of a push to make them a more attractive alternative...

Commentary on the Government Policy Statement on Health

By Chris Bullen The Government Policy Statement on Health Government Policy Statement on Health 2024–2027 | Ministry of Health NZ signals the Coalition Government’s priorities for health over the next few years. Included are some significant statements that, at...

Blog Piece: Therapeutic Products Act

Enacted in July 2023, the Therapeutic Products Act 2023 (TPA) is an ambitious piece of legislation that was intended to develop, improve, and in some cases, introduce, regulatory standards for therapeutic products. The TPA covers a wide range of products, broadly categorised as medicines, medical devices, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), and natural health products (NHPs).

100 “Kick-Arse” days in Government: implications for equity

Monique Jonas for Ki Te Pae Tawhiti, the NZ Health Reform Collective. When newly elected National MP for Rangitata James Meager (Ngai Tahu) addressed the House last December, he spoke of his childhood in South Timaru. He described growing up in hardship and the...

100 Days of Tiriti “partnership”?

Monique Jonas (Pākehā) and Anneka Anderson (Kāi Tahu and Kāti Māmoe) for Ki Te Pae Tawhiti NZ Health Reform Collective. When Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti presented the Pae Ora (Disestablishment of Māori Health Authority) Amendment Bill to the House for its...

Health Service and System and the 100 day-plan in New Zealand

By Tim Tenbensel. By design, the 100-day mark of the new coalition government has attracted sizeable media attention. It is driven by a political marketing focus in which the Prime Minister Christopher Luxon can say after 100 days "We told you what we're gonna do,...

Te Tiriti: 100 days plan in Health

By Monique Jonas. When newly elected National MP for Rangitata James Meager (Ngai Tahu) addressed the House last December, he spoke of his childhood in South Timaru as “a part-Māori boy, raised in a State house by a single parent on the benefit.” He described...

Key issues


Covering developments in the provision, funding and organisation of health care services.


Exploring the impacts of the health system on minorities within the population, notably including Māori, Pacifica, Asians and LGBTQI.


Covering prescription medicines and medical devices.


Focusing on efforts to promote health and prevent disease through social and economic interventions.


Exploring the potential digital transformation to provide a more connected and accessible health system.


Monitoring how the health reforms and the performance of the health sector uphold Te Tiriti obligations.