Government faces critical test with abuse in care report

25 Jul 2024

The Spinoff

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care has concluded, and its comprehensive report, rich with references to te Tiriti o Waitangi and its guiding principles, presents a significant challenge for the coalition government, which is currently reviewing the inclusion of these principles in legislation. How the government will navigate and implement the report’s recommendations, if at all, promises to be a matter of intense public interest and scrutiny.

As part of its terms of reference, the commission was directed to apply te Tiriti o Waitangi and its principles to its work. The first paragraph on the inquiry’s website discusses its commitment to te Tiriti o Waitangi, acknowledging the disproportionate representation of Māori in care and stating that the inquiry was underpinned by te Tiriti.

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Key issues


Covering developments in the provision, funding and organisation of health care services.


Exploring the impacts of the health system on minorities within the population, notably including Māori, Pacifica, Asians and LGBTQI.


Covering prescription medicines and medical devices.


Focusing on efforts to promote health and prevent disease through social and economic interventions.


Exploring the potential digital transformation to provide a more connected and accessible health system.


Monitoring how the health reforms and the performance of the health sector uphold Te Tiriti obligations.